Meet Your Cult Leaders



Hailing from the mean streets of Brampton, Ontario, Canada, (Big up B-Town!), Sishen’s been making noise in all sorts of bands!

vocalist/guitarist of PVA
Vocalist of Hitobashira
Guitarist of Ayahuasca

He loves himself some scifi, cyberpunk shit.
STAR TREK + Blade Runner = <3

Alice in Chains, Queen, Pantera, Every Time I Die, Mudvayne, Lamb of God



Hailing from Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, Trey plays a bunch of noise that comes together to sound like music sometimes.

When he's not chugging his heart out on stage, you can find him ranting about video games, watching exclusively 80's action films, and yelling at clouds.

Main influences:
Strapping Young Lad, Frank Zappa, Joe Satriani, Gojira, and Faith No More.


Mercenary Bassist

Born in Dallas, aged in Houston, and matured on the weird streets of Austin, Texas. Winston slaps, taps, and fingers the strings of the bass guitar to whatever styling seems most appropriate. Currently plays in Her Modern Orchestra in ATX. 

When not playing bass, you can catch him playing an overly complex board game, talking about those damn vidyas the kids are all on, or rolling nat 1s in dnd. 

Main influences:

Opposite day, Mr. Bungle, Consider The Source, Damien Erskin

Beautiful Lloyd

Beauty and the Bass

Few beings balance majesty and brutality as this gift to humanity does.

Main influences:

Viking Metal & Whiskey



Nuff Said

Other Bands/ Projects:
Jingji 惊极,
Rat King

+100 other bands

Former Cult Members


Sexy Chriest has retired from live music and is working behind the scenes now producing bands, including our next album!


Ale has returned to Italia, where he and former Round Eye bassist Livio, are killin’ it with their new project “Angles”!